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- Präsident: Bischof Gerhard Meyer, M.Div., D.D.
Dekan: Kanon Pfarrer Drs. Dirk W. Wilke
Sekretariat: Grace A. Meyer
Dozenten unserer Kirche und anderer befreundeter Kirchen
- Bischof Gerhard Meyer
- M.Div.; D.D., Reformed Episcopal Seminary, Philadelphia
- Kanon Pfarrer Drs. Dirk W. Wilke
- Mrs. Diane Jerdan, M.A.
- The Rt. Rev. Royal U. Grote Jr.
President of CTH, Lecturer in Dogmatic Theology
- Bishop Ordinary, Diocese of Mid-America (REC) & Missiondiözese REK Deutschland.
Diploma, Reformed Episcopal Seminary; Th.B., International Seminary;
D.Litt, Central School of Religion; D.D., Reformed Episcopal Seminary;
D.D., Cummins Episcopal Seminary.
- The Rev. Steven R. Rutt
- Dekan and Professor of New Testament, Andrewes Hall,
Th.B.; M.A.T., Fuller Theological Seminary; Th.D. Candidate, Central School of Religion, London, UK.
Gastdozenten unserer US-Seminare sowie andere Dozenten:
Cranmer Theological House
Reformed Episcopal Seminary
Andrewes Hall, Theological College & Seminary
Cummins Memorial Theological Seminary
- The Rt. Rev. Leonard W. Riches
- Presiding Bishop & Bishop Ordinary of the Diocese of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic (REC).
A.B., M.Div., D.D.
- The Rt. Rev. Ray R. Sutton
- Bishop Suffragen, Diocese of Mid-America (REC)
Rector of Church of the Holy Communion, Dallas, TX
B.F.A., Th.M., Th.D., Ph.D. (Oxford), D.D.
- The Very Rev. Dr. Curtis Crenshaw
- Dean and Professor (Dept. Chair) of Holy Scripture, CTH
B.A., Crichton College; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary;
Th.D., Whitefield Theological Seminary
- The Rt. Rev. John Fenwick
- Adjunct Professor of Church History
Ph.D., Diocesan Bishop, Northern Diocese, Free Church of England
Retired lecturer in Christian Worship at Trinity College, Bristol, England (1980-88);
Former Assistant Secretary of Ecumenical Affairs for the Archbishop of Canterbury (1988-92)
- The Rev. Dr. Rodney A. Whitacre
- Professor of Biblical Studies, Trinity Episcopal School of Ministry
B.A., Gordon College; M.T.S., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary;
Ph.D., Cambridge University; D.D. Cranmer Theological House
- The Rt. Rev. Daniel R. Morse
- Professor in Old Testament and Hebrew
Bishop Co-Adjutor, Diocese of Mid-America (REC)
B.A., M.Div., Reformed Theological Seminary; further study of Hebrew in Jerusalem;
D.D. Cranmer Theological House
- Ms. Donna L. Taylor
- Musical Director for the Diocese of Mid-America (REC),
and Adjunct Lecturer in Church Music, CTH.
B.A., Caldwell College; M.A., College of New Jersey.
- Mrs. Diane Jerdan
- Lehrerin und Gemeindekatechetin für Jugend- und Erwachsenen-, Hauskreisarbeit für reformierte Gemeinden in Frankreich.
- Danny Erlandson
- Christliche Schule, Little Rock
M.A. (Kirchengeschichte); M.A. (Theologie).
Das Richard Hooker Seminar ist Partnerseminar von Andrewes Hall, Theological College & Seminary (External Studies Department). Andrewes Hall ist das Seminar der westlichen Diözese der Reformed Episcopal Church und durch den Bundesstaat Arizona zugelassen.
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